RA Building is an artwork of nirmana, nirmana is picture when has no meaning, nirmana is divided into 2, they are, Dwimatra and Trimatra. Dwimatra is nirmana two dimensional, while trimatra is nirmana three dimensional. RA Building included in nirmana trimatra.
Materials needed for make is work of nirmana art, they are, straw, paper, and sponge. RA Building uses the materials from a straws. Therefore, the artwork has a colour, that is white, the original colour from the straw. 

In the making this artwork of trimatra design principles needed, that is, proportion, emphasis, rhytm, balance, and unity. If the making of artwork trimatra does not use design principles, the artwork become less attractive, therefore the principle of design is very important in the making of artwork of trimatra.



Perspective is the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimentional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point. Light from above. Fill space with geometric shapes. Objects such as floor walls are drawn according to the origin of the material. Marble or brick or metal or glass. after filling the picture with geometric shapes. The overall picture is shaded to make it look more "alive".That’s all.

YORINNALITA (1603184100)


     Jiah garden is a concept of composed space. The beginning of this composition is from a 2D painting that was changed to 3D, The intended composition of the space is not decorating the space but playing Witha the circulation of space and each space presents different formations from entry to exit. 

     In making the required design principles, namely proportion, emphasis, rhythm, balance, and unity. If the making of a composition does not use the design principle, the composition of this space becomes less attractive, therefore the design principle is very important. 

     Materials needed to make Jiah Garden, that is, mica, poster paint, grass texture, texture walls, balsa wood, the most important material of Jiah Garden PVC. 

     The original color of Taman Jiah is white.  Which comes from PVC to make it more interesting this composition is colored with poster paint so that it can clarify each room's character such as the colors orange and yellow on the floor and walls, purple on the stairs, green to the space and a little black on the fence.

     The shape of the room from Jiah Garden is different, there is a square on the roof and the floor, round shape from balsa wood, the focal point of this composition is a slightly zigzag roof.
FAUZIYAH AFNI (1603184083)


Ghina Perspective is an interior building space design, which is drawn manually using water painting technique. Or we usually called “Perspective Drawing”. Perspective drawing have two kinds, that is one point perspective, and two point perspective. Ghina’s Perspective use both of them in this work.

The first steps of doing perspective drawing is, we should have an agreement with the client about the design. After we reach an agreement, we should make a sketch and then decide about furniture that our client want and then the concept (fresh, modern, etc), about the style (scandinavian, millennial pink, bohemian, etc). Perspective drawing also will decide aesthetic value become more real. Example : vocal point, color choice, and the element.

If the perspective drawing was successful to made, and also the client is agree about the design, the last steps is we can apply the design into the real life. Once more, you should to know is client characteristic determine the design.



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