RA BUILDING RA Building is an artwork of nirmana, nirmana is picture when has no meaning, nirmana is divided into 2, they are, Dwimatra and Trimatra. Dwimatra is nirmana two dimensional, while trimatra is nirmana three dimensional. RA Building included in nirmana trimatra. Materials needed for make is work of nirmana art, they are, straw, paper, and sponge. RA Building uses the materials from a straws. Therefore, the artwork has a colour, that is white, the original colour from the straw. In the making this artwork of trimatra design principles needed, that is, proportion, emphasis, rhytm, balance, and unity. If the making of artwork trimatra does not use design principles, the artwork become less attractive, therefore the principle of design is very important in the making of artwork of trimatra. RALDA FITRIA ZAHRA (1603184077) ROOM WITH ONE POINT PERSPECTIVE Perspectiv...